If you want to learn more about tachyon...this is the show to do so. Host Rob Kalil interviews Holly Powers Matthews and Paris Kevghas sharing the wonders of tachyon. |
what is tachyon ? Tachyons are subatomic particles that travel faster than light. They are particles that infuse physical matter with spiritual light. The process of collecting Tachyon Particles and imbuing them into physical matter is a highly sophisticated process. As Tachyons infuses into physical matter it permanently changes the quantum properties of atomic nuclei which compose that matter. Although the change occurs on a Sub Atomic level the chemical composition is not altered. Because Tachyonization decreases entropy of physical matter it has the potential to slow the aging process and strengthen the immune system.
Up to 35% of your body's energy now goes to combatting the Electrical Magnetic Fields that are bombarding your body with 3G, 4G and 5G. This means that you are only using 65% of your energy to heal all layers and levels of body, mind and spirit.
As you begin to experience life with Tachyon on your body, in your home and office, your body starts to rejuvenate your personal energy field much faster. The effects of harmful EMF's are greatly reduced when you remain in the energetic harmonization of the Tachyon field. |
continue your tachyon support... If you are currently experiencing any health problems, you will find that having Tachyon on your body 24/7 will allow your body to be supported through it's powerful energy. As this occurs and healing increases, your body won't be fighting the harmful EMF radiation that surrounds your body’s energy (aura) field.
In current modern life, the vast amounts of cell phones, satellites, fluorescent lighting, dirty electricity, cell phone towers, cable TV, radio stations and towers emitting EMF and electro-smog is overwhelming. This EMF is continually "energetically draining" our bodies as we become overloaded trying to resist and fight these dense and overpowering EMF fields. |